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use lib '/web/cgi';
#use GD;
# cgi-bin access counter program
# Version 4.0.7
# Copyright (C) 1995 George Burgyan
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be retrieved from
# http://www.webtools.org/counter/copying.html
# gburgyan@webtools.org
# George Burgyan
# 1380 Dill Road
# South Euclid, OH 44121
# For more information look at http://www.webtools.org/counter/
# The default language option (english, french, swedish)
$default_lang = "english";
# The name of the file to use. You should probably give this an absolute path
$FileName = "../counters/access_count";
# Replace with a list of regular expression IP addresses that we
# are supposed to ignore. If you don't know what this means, just use
# "\." instead of periods. Comment out entirely to ignore nothing.
#@IgnoreIP = ("199\.18\.203\..*",
# "199\.18\.159\.1",
# );
# Aliases: Set this up so that diffent pages will all yield the same
# count. For instance, if you have a link like "index.html -> home.html"
# set it up like ("/index.html", "/home.html"). Make sure you give a full
# path to it. This will treat "/index.html" as if it were "/home.html".
%Aliases = ("/netscout.html","/scout/netscout.html",
# AUTOMATICALLY SET BY INSTALL!! Modify only if necessary!!!
# BaseName: set to whatever you have counter installed as. This is
# used to derive the arguments. No not touch the next comment.
$BaseName = "counter4";
# counter or counterbanner or counterfiglet
# Outputs the number of times a specific page has been accessed.
# The output depends on which page 'called' it, and what the program
# is named:
# The counter can "take arguments" via its name. That is, if you tack
# -arg to the end of the program name, -arg is taken to be an argument.
# For example, if you call the counter 'counter-ord', '-ord' is considered
# an argument, and an ordinal count (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...) will be printed
# instead of (1, 2, 3, ...). Note that counterord does the same thing as
# counter-ord for backward compatibility.
# Currently recognized arguments:
# -f=font sets "font" to be the font for figlet
# -lang=lang sets the language used to ordinalize to "lang"
# -nc no count; don't to write the incremented count back to the file
# -nl no link; don't automatically generate a link
# -nd no display; don't display anything, just count
# -ord make an ordinal count instead of regular
# -doc=document override the DOCUMENT_URI environment variable
# Example: counterfiglet-ord-f=bigfont-nc
# This will cause the counter to call figlet as the output routine, printing
# in a big font an ordinal count, without updating the access count file.
# Note that the order of arguments is irrelevant so long as you spell the
# file name correctly. It is generally assumed that the ability to take
# different arguments/use different output routines is done with symlinks:
# i.e. ln -s counter counterfiglet-ord-f=bigfont-nc
# More complete documentation can be found at
# http://www.webtools.org/counter/
# Thing that shouldn't really need changing, but are configurable anyway.
# Maximum number of times to try to lock the file.
# Each try is .1 second. Try for 1 second.
$MaxTries = 10;
# Set this to point to something, or comment it out, and it
# won't be a link at all.
#$Link = "http://www.webtools.org/counter/";
# Whether or not to use locking. If perl complains that flock is not
# defined, change this to 0. Not *really* necessary because we check
# to make sure it works properly.
$UseLocking = 0;
# What version of the counter file format are we using?
$FileVersion = "02.000";
# Common names of the counter to install...
@CommonExtensions = ("-ord", # Ordinam
"figlet", # Figlet'ed
"figlet-ord",# Ordinal figlet
"banner", # Bannered
"banner-ord",# Ordinal banner
# Misc documents to refer people to in case of errors.
$CreateFile = "[Error Creating Counter File -- Click for more info]";
$AccessRights = "[Error Opening Counter File -- Click for more info]";
$TimeoutLock = "[Timeout locking counter file]";
$BadVersion = "[Version access_count newer than this program. Please upgrade.]";
# The actual program!
### Stage 1
### Parse the arguments... (just ignore this part)
# Get arguments from program name. Argh...what a horrible way to do it!
$prog = $0;
$prog =~ s/(\.cgi|\.pl)//; #strip .cgi|.pl name extension
$prog =~ s!^(.*/)!!; # separate program name
$prog =~ s/\\(.)/sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/ge; # quote \c to %xx
($printer, @args) = split(/-/, $prog); # args are separated by dashes
$printer =~ s/%(..)/pack("c", hex($1))/ge; # unquote printer function name
$printer =~ s/$BaseName/counter4/; # Make it cannonical.
# This gets path info, which is only applicable if you are using our
# ssis script (see above). This makes counter/ord the same as counter-ord
push(@args, split("/", $ENV{"PATH_INFO"})) if $ENV{"PATH_INFO"};
# put them in assoc array %arg
foreach (@args) # means do this for each element in the array
s/%(..)/pack("c", hex($1))/ge; # unquote %xx
/^([^=]*)=?(.*)$/; # extract "=" part, if any
$arg{$1} = $2 ? $2 : 1;
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-install') {
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-installforce') {
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-unlock') {
undef $Link if $arg{'nl'}; # make link?
### Stage 2
### Print out the header
# Print out the header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
#print "Debug 1: $ConfName
Debug 2: $FileName";
### Stage 3
### Open the access_count file for read-write taking all the precautions
# Make sure the file exists:
if (!(-f $FileName)) {
if (!open (COUNT,">$FileName")) {
# Can't create the file
print $CreateFile;
exit 1;
} else {
# We got the file, print out the version number
print COUNT "$FileVersion\n";
$version = 2;
} else {
if (!((-r $FileName) && (-w $FileName))) {
# Make sure that we can in fact read and write to the file in
# question. If not, direct them to the FAQ.
print $AccessRights;
exit 1;
if (!open (COUNT,"+<$FileName")) { # Now make sure it *really* opens
print $AccessRights; # ...just in case...
exit 1;
# Try to read in a version number
$version = ;
if (!($version =~ /^\d+.\d+$/)) {
# No version number, assume version 1 and reset the file.
$version = 1;
# This is for the future: the access_count file will have a version number.
if ($version > 2) {
print $BadVersion;
exit 1;
### Stage 4
### Attempt to lock the file
$lockerror = &LockFile(COUNT);
# You would figure that $MaxTries would equal 0 if it didn't work. The
# post-decrement takes it to -1 when the loop finally exits.
if ($lockerror) {
print $TimeoutLock;
### Stage 5
### Check if we need to update the file to a newer version
if ($version < 2) {
### Stage 6
### Convert the information the server gave us into the document
### identifier.
# Make sure perl doesn't spit out warnings...
if (defined $ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'}) {
$doc_uri = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'};
} else {
$doc_uri = "";
# Campatibility: Version 2 files have the server name in front if and
# only if it doesn't have a "~" in it.
$old_uri = $doc_uri;
# Add the server name in front to support multi-homed hosts if and only if
# it doesn't have a "~" in it. (usernames are global in most multi-homed
# settings
if (defined $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} && !($doc_uri =~ /~/)) {
$doc_uri = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} . "/" . $doc_uri;
if (defined $arg{'doc'}) {
$doc_uri = $arg{'doc'};
$doc_uri = $Aliases{$doc_uri} if defined $Aliases{$doc_uri};
### Stage 7
### Find the relevant place in the file
$location = tell COUNT;
while ($line = ) {
# Read the file line-by-line.
if (($uri,$accesses) = ($line =~ /^'(\S*)' (\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)$/)) {
# An old line
if ($uri eq $old_uri) {
} elsif (($uri,$accesses,$flags) = ($line =~ /^'(\S*)' (\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d) (\w\w\w\w)$/)) {
# A new line
if ($uri eq $doc_uri) {
$flags = hex($flags);
last if ($uri eq $doc_uri);
$location = tell COUNT;
#reset the fields
$accesses = 0;
$flags = 0;
### Stage 8
### Update the access count of the file
$accesses += 1; # *NOT* '++' because we don't want '++'s magic
### Stage 9
### Figure out what to print out
# If we have to ordinalize, do it now.
if (defined $arg{'ord'}) {
if (defined $arg{'lang'}) {
$ord = eval("&ordinalize_$arg{lang}($accesses)");
} else {
$ord = &ordinalize($accesses);
} else {
$ord = "";
$to_print = $accesses . $ord;
# Give it to the printer function to actually produce the output from the
# ascii text that we have (to_print)
# ($count, $nLink) = eval("&output_$printer('$to_print')");
# If the above line gave us an error, default to just the text.
#if ($@) {
($count, $nLink) = &output_counter($to_print);
### Stage 10
### Now we actually tell the browser what the count is.
if (! $arg{"nd"} ) { # If we print anything
# Print out a link to something informative (if we were requested to)
$script_name = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
print "" if $nLink;
#if ($script_name =~ /cgi-bin\/count(\w+)/) {
# $img_dir = $1;
# }
# if ($img_dir ne "er") { &give_graphic }
#else {
print $count;
print "" if $nLink;
# }
sub give_graphic {
@img_count = split(//,$count);
foreach (@img_count) {
print "
sub comment1 {
# create a new image
print "Content-type: image/gif\n\n";
$im = new GD::Image(100,100);
# allocate some colors
$white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
$black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
$red = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0);
$blue = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,255);
# make the background transparent and interlaced
# Put a black frame around the picture
# Draw a blue oval
# And fill it with red
# Convert the image to GIF and print it on standard output
print $im->gif;
### Stage 11
### Check if we are supposed to update the count in the file. (ie. we're
### not ignoring the host that just accessed us)
# Make sure we are not ignoring the host:
$ignore = 0;
$ignore = grep($ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"} =~ /$_/, @IgnoreIP) if defined ($ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"});
$ignore = $ignore || $arg{"nc"};
### Stage 12
### Actually write the updated information back to the file
if (!$ignore) # If we aren't ignoring this access
# Now update the counter file
seek(COUNT, $location, 0);
$longaccesses = sprintf("%010.10d", $accesses);
$hexflags = sprintf("%04.4x", $flags);
print COUNT "'$doc_uri' $longaccesses $hexflags\n";
close COUNT;
# Support functions
# translate_output
# Quote any special characters with HTML quoting.
sub translate_output {
local($string) = @_;
$_ = $string;
return $_;
sub LockFile {
local(*FILE) = @_;
local($TrysLeft) = $MaxTries;
if ($UseLocking) {
# Try to get a lock on the file
while ($TrysLeft--) {
# Try to use locking, if it doesn't use locking, the eval would
# die. Catch that, and don't use locking.
# Try to grab the lock with a non-blocking (4) exclusive (2) lock.
# (4 | 2 = 6)
$lockresult = eval("flock(COUNT,6)");
if ($@) {
$UseLocking = 0;
if (!$lockresult) {
select(undef,undef,undef,0.1); # Wait for 1/10 sec.
} else {
last; # We have gotten the lock.
if ($TrysLeft >= 0) {
# Success!
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
sub UnlockFile {
local(*FILE) = @_;
if ($UseLocking) {
flock(FILE,8); # Unlock the file.
# Installation helpers
# SetBaseName
# Change the counter program itself to set the basename
sub SetBaseName {
local($name) = $0;
$name =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # Strip off any of the path
if ($name eq $BaseName) { # The way we're set up now!!!
return; # Don't need to change a thing.
if (!open(COUNTERFILE, "+<$0")) {
print "Can't modify program. Set \$BaseName manually.\n";
print "Configuring \$BaseName variable...\n";
local($oldsep) = $/;
local($program) = ;
# The next line does all the magic.
$program =~ s/\#\#\# AUTOMAGIC \#\#\#\n\$BaseName = \"[^\"]+\";\n/\#\#\# AUTOMAGIC \#\#\#\n\$BaseName = \"$name\";\n/;
seek(COUNTERFILE,0,0) || return;
print COUNTERFILE $program;
# CheckPerl
# Make sure that the "#! /[path]/perl" points to something real...
sub CheckPerl {
if (!open(COUNTERFILE, "<$0")) {
print "Can't check to make sure Perl is in the right place.\n";
print "Checking to make sure Perl is found properly...\n";
$firstline = ;
($command) = ($firstline =~ /^\#! *([^\s]+) *$/);
if (! -x $command) {
print "The location of Perl is misconfigured. Please edit the\n";
print "first line of this program to point to the locally installed\n";
print "copy of perl.\n\n";
print "Currently, it is configured to be \"$command\", however,\n";
print "that file either does not exist or is not a program.\n\n";
print "Some common locations for Perl are:\n";
print " /usr/bin/perl\n";
print " /usr/local/bin/perl\n";
print " /bin/perl\n";
print " /opt/gnu/bin/perl\n\n";
# MakeCommon
# Make some common links to the counter
sub MakeCommon {
local($force) = @_;
print "Installing the counter...\n";
print " ...making counter executable\n";
local($path, $name, $cgi);
$name = $0;
if ($name =~ /^(.*\/)([^\/]+)$/) {
$path = $1; $name = $2;
if ($name =~ /^(.*)(\.cgi)$/) {
$name = $1, $cgi = $2;
foreach $ext (@CommonExtensions) {
print " ...making link from $path$name$cgi to $path$name$ext$cgi\n";
if (!&MakeLink("$path$name$cgi","$path$name$ext$cgi",$force)) {
# An error occured while making the link. :-(
print " *** An error occured while making the link.\n";
if ($symlink_exists == 0 && $link_exists == 0) {
print "* NOTE * Your system does not support symbolic or hard links,\n";
print " copies made instead. If you modify the counter, you must\n";
print " run counter -install again to recopy it to the other files.\n";
print "...done!\n";
# MakeLink
# Actually create the link.
sub MakeLink {
local($oldname,$newname,$force) = @_;
# Check to see if we can make symbolic links instead of hard links
if (!defined $symlink_exists) {
$symlink_exists = (eval 'symlink("","");', $@ eq '');
# Check to see if we can make a link if we can't make a symlink
if (!symlink_exists) {
$link_exists = (eval 'link("","");', $2 eq '');
if ($force) {
# Check to see if the file exists
if (-e $newname) {
if (!unlink ($newname)) {
return 0;
if ($symlink_exists) {
return symlink($oldname, $newname);
} elsif ($link_exists) {
return link($oldname, $newname);
} else {
# Copy it the old-fashioned way... *sigh*
open(OLDFILE, $oldname) || die "Can't open $oldname for copy";
open(NEWFILE, ">$newname") || die "Can't open $newname for write";
while() {
print NEWFILE $_;
# Ordinalizing functions
# ordinalize
# Call the appropriate ordinalize function for the default language
sub ordinalize
local($count) = @_;
if (defined $arg{'lang'}) {
return eval("&ordinalize_$arg{lang}($count)");
} else {
return eval("&ordinalize_$default_lang($count)");
# ordinalize_english
# Figure out what suffix (st, nd, rd, th) a number would have in ordinal
# form and return that extension.
sub ordinalize_english {
local($count) = @_;
local($last, $last2);
$last2 = $count % 100;
$last = $count % 10;
if ($last2 < 10 || $last2 > 13) {
return "st" if $last == 1;
return "nd" if $last == 2;
return "rd" if $last == 3;
return "th"; # Catch "eleventh, twelveth, thirteenth" etc.
# ordinalize_french
# Trivial... Return the extension for french. The only exception is 1.
# Thank you Chris Polewczuk
sub ordinalize_french {
local ($count) = @_;
if ($count == 1) {
return "'ière";
} else {
return "ième";
# ordinalize_swedish
# A function to ordinalize in Swedish. Thanks go to Johan Linde
# for the code!
sub ordinalize_swedish {
local($count) = @_;
local($last, $last2);
$last2 = $count % 100;
$last = $count % 10;
if ($last2 < 10 || $last2 > 12) {
return ":a" if ($last == 1 || $last == 2);
return ":e";
# Output functions
# The following are the routines that actually convert the number
# of accesses into something that we print out.
# The name of each function is "output_" followed by the program's name.
# For instance, is the program is called "counter" then "output_counter"
# will be called; a program called "counterbanner" will call
# "output_counterbanner" to get the output.
# If the function is not defined, then "output_counter" will be called.
# output_counter
# The simplest function: just returns the number of accesses and the link.
sub output_counter {
local($count) = @_;
return &translate_output($count), $Link; # we return the count and the link
# output_counterord
# Return the number of accesses as an ordinal number. (ie. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)
sub output_counterord {
local($count) = @_;
return &translate_output($count . &ordinalize($count)), $Link;
# output_counterbanner
# A somewhat silly one that uses the "banner" command to print out the
# count. :) You might need to change the path to make it work.
sub output_counterbanner {
local($count) = @_;
$banner = `banner $count`;
return "$banner
"; # return no link here (it would be annoying)
# output_counterfiglet
# An even sillier one than counterbanner. :)
sub output_counterfiglet {
local($count) = @_;
$fig = "echo $count | /usr/games/figlet"; # setup command line
$fig .= " -f $arg{'f'}" if $arg{"f"}; # use a different font?
$fig = `$fig`;
$fig =~ s!&!&!g;
$fig =~ s!" . $fig . "
"; # note no link here, either
# Conversion functions
# UpdateVersion
# Convert a version 1file into a version 2 file.
sub UpdateVersion1 {
local ($contents,$dummy);
local ($oldsep) = $/;
$/ = "";
seek(COUNT,0,0); # Go to the beginning of the file
$contents = ;
print COUNT "$FileVersion\n";
print COUNT $contents;
$/ = $oldsep;
$dummy = ; # Skip the new line
# ConvertDocV1
# Convert the a version 1 line into a version 2 line
sub ConvertDocV1 {
local ($doc_uri,$old_uri,$accesses,$location) = @_;
local ($contents,$dummy,$oldsep);
$oldsep = $/;
seek (COUNT,$location,0); # Skip the line in question
$dummy = ;
$/ = ""; # Read in the whole file
$contents = ;
seek (COUNT,$location,0);
local ($longaccesses,$hexflags);
$longaccesses = sprintf("%010.10d", $accesses);
$hexflags = sprintf("%04.4x", $flags);
# Print out the new stuff
print COUNT "'$doc_uri' $longaccesses $hexflags\n";
print COUNT $contents;
$/ = $oldsep;
visit to this page since 16-Mar-98.
** Drug Alerts **
SmithKline sued over Lyme Vaccine (LYMErix) --
"WEST CHESTER, Pa., Dec. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- A class action
lawsuit filed today in Pennsylvania claims the vaccine that
prevents Lyme Disease causes an incurable form of
autoimmune arthritis and, for some, could produce symptoms far
worse than those brought on by the illness. ...."
...about Ritalin....
- Prozac - Paxil -
Zoloft - Cipramil - Luvox - Effexor - and even St. John's Wort stories
you should be aware of.
- National Lupron Victims Network
- Meridia -- her
husband took it for eleven months, then suddenly died. Cause of death:
"dilated cardiomyopathy" at the age of 43. (Speculating: does the drug
block cholesterol synthesis? If so, it increases need for Coenzyme Q-10.
We're looking into this and will let you know what we find.) (What we
found: Some reason to suspect Meridia's action could -worsen- dilated
cardiomyopathy, though not necessarily start it.)
Waterproof Sunscreens -- DO NOT GET IN CHILDREN'S EYES (or yours either)!
However, we can find no verification of Internet assertions that
blindness might result from this.
- Peter Barry Chowka's interview with William Grant,
A Dietary Approach to Alzheimer's. "I think you are correct that
this paper should represent a historic turning point in the study of
Alzheimer's disease."
- Alzheimer's
and Mercury -- "With very few exceptions, mercury poisoning is most
often not diagnosed in patients because of the insidious onset of the
affliction, vagueness of early clinical signs, and the medical profession's
unfamiliarity with the disease." This is a section from Tom Warren's book,
"Reversing Alzheimer's Disease", on the Web.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis / ALS / Lou Gehrig's Disease:
Botanical Medicine:
- Herbal Giant Michael Moore's
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine homepage. Michael has assembled more classical and modern information about herbs (American herbs especially) and image files, than you ever dreamed existed. (We're not sure, but we think one of the two images at
the top of his homepage is Michael; just can't tell if he's the one on the left or
the one on the right....)
Chiropractic / Osteopathy / Cranial-Sacral:
CODEX Alimentarius:
- There are some people in Germany and in Canada, thinking about restricting your
access to herbs and to vitamin and mineral supplements; thanks to GATT and to the
international CODEX Alimentarius Commission
, they may be able to do it.
For details on this, visit
Life Extension Foundation or John Hammel's
International Advocates for Health Freedom site.
Disability /
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is not a job placement
service, but an international toll-free consulting service that provides
information about job accommodations and the employability of people with
disabilities. JAN also provides information regarding the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA)."
- National Rehabilitation Information
Center, "a library and information center on disability and
rehabilitation. Funded since 1979 by the National Institute on Disability
and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), NARIC collects and disseminates the
results of federally funded research projects. NARIC's document collection,
which also includes commercially published books, journal articles, and
audiovisuals, grows at a rate of 250 new documents per month."
DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) / MSM:
- Dr. Stephen Edelson's brief
overview of DMSO and how it works.
- Web site of Stanley Jacob, M.D., the
"Father of DMSO". (Please read the Letter from Dr. Jacob
there, concerning limited availability of adequately -pure- DMSO.)
Conditions listed at this site: Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Birthmarks,
Bladder problems, Bone Marrow, Brain Trauma or Swelling, Burns, Cancer,
Colitis, Eye Conditions, Gallstones, Glandular Disorders, Head Trauma,
Herpes, Interstitial Cystitis, Intestinal Conditions, Lupus, Mental
Retardation, Nervous System conditions, Niemann-Pick Disease,
Pancreatitis, Scleroderma (yes: Scleroderma), Skeletal conditions, Skin
and Tissue conditions, Spinal Cord problems, Stroke, Tumors, Urinary
Tract problems, and more to come.
Fire...? Smoke, at least:
- In Australia, the Campaign Against
Fraudulent Medical Research.
- The SuPress Nature of
Wellness site: "The tragedy of today's medicine
is that people who make medical policy are not the clinicians who deal with
human patients on a daily basis (which makes them the only ones who have
any knowledge about the realities of human disease). The people in charge
of medical policy are the experimental researchers (animal experimenters) of
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) who, for the most part, have never spent a single day of their lives
with human patients."
- How FDA protected you from Life Extension
Foundation for 9 years, using your tax dollars, pursuing civil and
criminal indictments ultimately adjudicated as having "no merit".
Heal Yourself / Lymphatic System / Water
- Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj's Global
Health Solutions site says water is "the prevention and the cure" for a
startling array of ailments that pharmaceutical science hasn't been able to
overcome (including asthma, back pain, joint pains of Rheumatoid Arthritis,
hypertension, impotency, and much more).
- Dr. Samuel West's International
Academy of Lymphology site. Not much to read here, but just enough to
give you the sense the man is onto something. We've read his book,
The Golden Seven Plus One, and we agree with what's said at the
Web site: we don't know of any place else where this information can be
obtained. See also Threshold To Health,
a separate contract company offering course materials.
Heart Health / Magnesium / Coenzyme Q-10
- How to Prevent Bypass Surgery Safely and Naturally is the topic
at the Avoid Bypass site. Both IV
Chelation Therapy using EDTA, and Oral Chelation using dietary supplements,
are explained. (Also see: American College
for Advancement in Medicine, the non-profit organization of MDs and DOs
who teach and certify other doctors in IV Chelation Therapy.)
- At the Italian site of
International Coenzyme Q10 Association are:
both by Dr. Peter Langsjoen and
his wife Alena Langsjoen. Our friend Dr. Langsjoen is a medical
cardiologist who worked closely with Dr. Karl Folkers, and found he was able
to get patients off the heart transplant list with this thoroughly
nontoxic nutrient substance, Coenzyme Q10 (a/k/a Ubiquinone).
- Paul Mason thinks you should know about the connection between the nutrient
mineral Magnesium and the health of your heart; his
Magnesium Web Site is filled
with good information on this, including selected writings of Dr. Mildred
Seelig, a world expert on the topic. Paul's so serious about this, he's filed
a suit against FDA for their failure to protect Americans from the effects of
magnesium insufficiencies in our water and foods.
Kombucha 'Mushroom' Tea / Tea Kvass
Multiple Sclerosis / MS
(Note: It's our impression that MS diagnoses are on the rise, but
there's indication the symptoms giving rise to those diagnoses may not
in all cases be coming solely from one dis-ease we've named MS.
You may want to browse our Aspartame and
Dental / Mercury links in
connection with this.)
Natural Medicine:
The Tabiet Foundation is "a non-profit organization that tests
natural health products on patients, family and friends. If the products
are found to be effective with at least 70% of the testers then we use
it to treat other patients... We weed out the snake oil. We research
many natural health modalities. We can tell you what works and does not."
- Dr. Robert Sniadach's
Strategies for
True Health site. Dr. Sniadach is a Doctor of Chiropractic and also
an IAHP-certified Natural Hygiene doctor. (TIP: click on Site Index
when you arrive--lots of information there.)
A Women's Retreat and Health Program in Switzerland offered by Naturopath
Corinne I. Heitz.
- Dr. John DOMmisse's
Nutritional &
Metabolic TeleMedicine site. John's an MD who fought against apartheid in
South Africa, then fought in favor of natural medicine in Virginia. Living
now in Arizona, John will consult with you by phone on ways to find out how
to improve your own health. (John's The Natural Medicine Newsletter
is available at no charge.)
- Do you wonder if you're taking enough, or maybe too many, supplements?
Did your doctor run tests and tell you they came back 'normal' but you'd
like to know a bit more about what he meant by that? Then you might want
to give
Health Logic Optimum Health Plan a try. For $25 and a questionnaire
they'll tell you a lot about yourself; throw in some laboratory figures and
they'll tell you even more.
- William Eidelman, M.D.'s excellent site,
The Amazing Maze of Natural Medicine; interesting to all -including-
conventional practitioners wanting to learn more about natural medicine
and the place it might have in their existing practice.
Oxygen / Ozone / H2O2 / Hydrogen Peroxide:
- PlasmaFire International
"manufactures fine quality ozone generators, the perfection of Nikola
Tesla's cold plasma design of the 1920s." (You can join the Ozonetherapy
mail list from here, too.)
- THE Web site for information and referrals on oxygen therapies: Amadis's
- Is there hope for Scleroderma? Read this
testimonial involving DMSO and see if you don't think so. (This is at the DMSO
site, listed/linked above.)
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Most recent revision: December 15, 2018
by Jeff Gordon
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