- Thirty-year history of
The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, one of the best-kept
secrets in Medicine generally and in Psychiatry especially, by founder and
editor Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (one of those folks we'll build statues of
some day if we ever wise up. :-) Also at that site:
Health News, interesting
abstracts updated from time to time.
- In 1956 Eli Lilly patented LSD. In 1987, Eli Lilly gave us Prozac.
By October, 1993, a total of 28,623 complaints of adverse side effects had
been filed with the FDA, including 1,885 suicide attempts and 1,349 deaths.
Ann Blake Tracy, director of
International Coalition for Drug Awareness, has written
Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?
after 5 years of research and study of 1,000 patient cases. This is
worth your attention.
"In the fall of 1997, the State of Illinois spent over 1/2 Million
Dollars trying to drag Shirley Allen into a psychiatric hospital against
her will. Ms. Allen was finally FORCIBLY removed from her home. She spent
a month in a hospital--refusing mental health care while she was there--and
was released when the state finally admitted that she was neither
incompetent nor dangerous. The State could have fed, educated, and housed
a lot of poor people with the money they spent trying to drag Shirley off
to the mental hospital against her will. Ironically, Shirley Allen may lose
her home if she cannot come up with the money to pay for her FORCED
incarceration." (from "If It Isn't Voluntary, It Isn't Treatment",
© 1998, Vicki Fox Wieselthier, at the MadNation site.)
"Psychiatry's Lack of Insight: Four Double-binds That Place Patients
in a Living Nightmare", by Al Siebert, Ph.D., at the
"Succesful Schizophrenia" site.
- From Abram Hoffer's homepage:
"Lee, born in 1963, was very anxious and tense. For years he had controlled
this by using alcohol. He would binge every three to four months for one day.
He suffered blackouts and often committed irrational acts that he did not
remember later. I started him in niacin 500 mg after each meal, twice as
much ascorbic acid and folic acid 5 mg twice each day.
I have been using
niacin for alcoholics for the past 30 years. This treatment was first
widely publicized by my good and close friend Bill W. Co founder of Alcoholics
Anonymous. He circulated a treatise called The Vitamin B-3 Therapy to
physician members of AA. I had advised Bill to take niacin 3 grams daily to
control his severe tension, fatigue and insomnia. Within two weeks he was
well. When I saw Lee for the second time in mid November he was almost
normal and no longer needed to be seen. ...
"Seeing four non schizophrenic patients in one afternoon who had gotten well
or nearly well after two visits reminded me that orthomolecular therapy
should be made available to all psychiatric patients."